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tamoadmin 2024-08-11 人已围观

简介1.求英语翻译 十万火急: 1.奥运会落下了帷幕 2.四年一届 3.有许多精彩的瞬间 4.中国金牌榜第二 (意思差不多2.奥运会的由来是什么?3.冬奥会介绍英语带中文翻译怎么写?The Olympic Games奥运会 No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go,but some historic records say they

1.求英语翻译 十万火急: 1.奥运会落下了帷幕 2.四年一届 3.有许多精彩的瞬间 4.中国金牌榜第二 (意思差不多




The Olympic Games


No one knows exactly how far back the Olympic Games go,but some historic records say they began in 776 BC.


In ancient Greece sports played a very important part in the life of the people.


The Greeks held Olympic Games on the plain by Mount Olympus.


As the time passed,the Olympic Games gradually became an international event.


After a long history of about 1200 years the Olympic Games were stpped.


The Games were Started again in 1896 in Athens.


59 athletes from 10 countries took part in the event.


In times of peace the Games take place every four years and are held in different countries in turn.


The host country provides stadiums,swimming pools,food and living rooms.


Usually a famous athlete from the host country passes a torch to the stadium at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.


The well-known Olympic flag is white with five connected rings in the center with colors:blue,yellow,black,green and red.


It represents the uniting of all the five continents.


The Olympic Games he a spirit of understanding,friendship and fair play between the Nations.


Athletes from different countries play games together and this provides them with good Chances to learn to live together.


The friendly feelings in the Olympic Village make people think of the as one big family.



求英语翻译 十万火急: 1.奥运会落下了帷幕 2.四年一届 3.有许多精彩的瞬间 4.中国金牌榜第二 (意思差不多

Olympic Games is a multi-sports events in international sports events, divided into summer and winter Olympic Games, held every four years. In 1992, before the summer and winter Olympic Games are held in the same year, since 1992, they were held to two years apart.

Summer Olympics more than 20 sports events including swimming, basketball, football, gymnastics, boxing, weightlifting, sailing, cycling, equestrian. Skiing, skating and ice hockey is a winter Olympic Games seven projects 3. Competition must be the representative of his or her country of citizenship. A country to participate in any of the competition can not be more than 3 (Games not more than 4), and can only send a team to participate in community sports events.

Around the origin of the ancient Olympic Games, there are many myths and legends, in the most popular legend, Hercules is the founder of the Olympic Games bricks, in order that the Lord God of Greece, the respect of his father, Zeus, heroic achievements in the completion of 12, he Olympic Stadium was built in and around the building. According to legend, Hercules straight big step 400, then the walking distance called the "Stade", but then it became the unit of distance, which is why the modern stadium perimeter of 400 meters (1 Stade = 400 m).

Since then, throughout ancient Greece, the Olympic Games quickly became more and more important, in the fifth, sixth century reached its peak. Olympic Games has a very important religious significance, and the race to be presented before and after the offerings, organized the ceremony, the primary meaning of worship the Greek Zeus (his great statue stood at Olympia), and Pelops the divine mythical hero and king of Olympia The king is the legendary chariot race known, to commemorate the Olympic Games is based in his run. Olympic Games to 20, to celebrate the ceremony to continue for several days. Contest winner was highly praised, respected for their statue of poems, make, and immortalizing. Olympic Games held every four years, the time between the two Olympic Games, Olympic Q is called Child, which is used to calculate the Greeks before the age of one of the methods. The most famous Olympic athletes of that era is the sixth century BC wrestler Mile Ke Ruo Burton, he is the only one in history to win the Olympic Games in six games


After the Romans ruled Greece, the importance of the Olympic Games will be decreased to establish the Christian Emperor Theodosius I banned pagan as the state religion and ceremony, the Olympic Games in AD 393 it was seen as pagan holiday prohibition.

In 1894, a French aristocrat 名叫皮尔狄 convened a meeting in Paris, the conference made the first modern Olympic Games held in Athens in 1896. 13 countries sent 285 people took part in the competition, the Olympic Games in different cities in the world held once every four years. Women's first race in 1912. 1924 Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France still held.

Olympics should be the promotion of global sports, to promote the understanding and friendship between peoples of good opportunities, but unfortunately it is often subject to political influence, he been resisted by some countries. Melbourne 1956 Olympic Games is the first time by the boycott of the Olympics, against the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

1980 and , during the Cold War opponents boycotted each other host the Olympic Games. In 1980, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, 65 countries refused to participate in the Moscow Olympic games, the boycott to the Olympics Cathay Pacific reduced to 81, this is the Olympic Games since 1956 at least one country. In retaliation, the Soviet Union and its Eastern European Group of 14 partners (except Romania) did not participate in the Los Angeles Olympic Games.


" 1.奥运会落下了帷幕 " "1. The Olympic Games came to a close."

"2.四年一届." "2. The Olympic Games are held every four years."

"3.有许多精彩的瞬间" "3. There are many splendid moments."

"4.中国金牌榜第二" "4. China finished second in the gold medal count."



Olympic Games的中文翻译为奥林匹克运动会,简称奥运会,是世界上规模最大、水平最高的运动会。奥运会起源于古希腊。公元前9世纪,希腊氏族社会逐步瓦解,城邦制的奴隶社会逐渐形成,200多个城邦各自为政,战争不断。因此各城邦都积极训练士兵,战争促进了体育运动的开展,古奥运会的比赛项目也带有明显的军事烙印。但连年征战使人民普遍感到厌恶,渴望休养生息,后来斯巴达王和伊利斯王签订了“神圣休战月”条约。于是,为准备兵源的军事训练和体育竞技,逐渐变为和平与友谊的运动会。公元前776年,希腊人规定每4年在奥林匹亚举办一次运动会。比赛的优胜者获得月桂、野橄榄和棕榈编织的花环等。394年,奥运会被罗马皇帝禁止。1170年间,古希腊运动会共举行了293届。



Today we're going to learn about an awesome sporting event that hens once every four years.


It's very cold, it's very awesome, and it's called the Winter Olympics.


The Winter Olympics, or the Winter Games, is held in a different country once every four years, and it's for athletes competing in various sports on snow and ice.


It also hens in different years to the Summer Olympics, meaning there's an Olympic Games every two years.


The very first Winter Olympic Games were held in 1924 in a place called Chamonix in France.